25 Weeks - Heart Rate

I'm quickly approaching my 3rd trimester, and maybe it's my imagination, but some days I feel so sluggish and huge that I think that it has already begun.  Lately, when I lay down to sleep, my heart feels like it is beating into my throat, and my resting heart rate has jumped to about 10-15 bpm higher than before I got pregnant.  I was worried about that because the frequency of nose bleeds has increased too.  However, I googled it, and read up a little about other women's experience with it.  Turns out that increased heart rate is normal in the 3rd trimester.  I have my next appointment with my midwife on Thursday, so I plan to ask her about it then.

Aside from that, my belly has grown quite a bit, and though I haven't gotten on the scale in a week, I'm quite certain the number has gone up.  I can feel the extra weight, and it's slowing me down.  I do much better with taking walks on a consistent basis when I'm at work.  When I'm home, I tend to rest more...  Guess that'll have to change soon.

I was talking to my friend, Liz, yesterday, and she asked how far along I am.  When I told her "25 weeks," it kinda hit me that this baby could decide to come out any time between now and 10 weeks from now.  Of course, a premature delivery isn't ideal and I'd prefer he wait until he has a little more fat to insulate his tiny body, but it *is* up to him.  I've been really focusing on eating healthy and moving around as much as possible.  My instinct is to sit and rest, but this fear of a complicated birth keeps weighing on my mind.

This fear crests and falls, depending on the day.  Some days, I'm convinced it won't be that bad and I can handle it, but other days, I'm totally freaked out that it'll be so bad that I'll opt for drugs.  A very small part of me wonders if BBP (Baby Boy Parrish) will have to be delivered by C-section, as I was, and I'll get to opt out of the whole labor thing all together.  But the larger part of me *knows* that is not ideal.  I have had major surgery before (on my knee), and recovering from that was a bitch.  Recovering from surgery on my torso is bound to be worse, since the torso is more weight-bearing than the knee, as it's the central part of the body.  My thoughts usually land on "pick your poison" and my resolution to do whatever it is that scares me.  Fear typically (if not always) stems from the unknown, and for a first-time mom, this is a pretty big unknown.

When I told Dave about my fears, he made a good point.  As screwed up as our healthcare system is, he pretty much trusts them to save a person's life in life-threatening situations.  He also reminded me that I'm keeping myself as healthy as I can--blood pressure has been normal and lower than it usually is and I haven't had much swelling in the last week.  I still aim for 10,000 steps a day, which I achieve several times a week.  And, I've been doing my labor-preparation-exercises (pelvic tilts, Kegels, & squats).  SO, I'm just worrying myself into a frenzy.  It'll probably all be fine.

Belly pictures to follow.  I haven't taken Week 25's picture yet.  Maybe I'll do that this morning since I'm up early...


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