27 Weeks + 6 Days - Symptoms

I'm about (what?) a week into my 3rd trimester, and the symptoms I was told that accompany these last few months started setting in 2-3 weeks ago.  Here are a few:

  • I'm tired most of the time (again).  It varies from day-to-day and from hour-to-hour.
  • My sleep patterns are erratic.  Some nights I am tired early and asleep by 10:00 p.m. and sleep straight through til 6:30 a.m., but other nights, I'm wide awake until 1:00 a.m. and wake at 8:00 a.m.  (I know this is not conducive to my work schedule start time, but I make up the time by staying late or working a few hours on the weekend.)
  • I feel heavier as my belly grows at a more rapid pace.
  • I'm putting on about a pound every few days (or at least that's how it feels), compared to the pound a week I was enjoying.
  • I need to pee every 20 minutes, instead of every 30.  (And it's not just tinkle, tinkle...it's full-flow race-horse peeing.)
  • It's getting harder to breathe...ummm, shortness of breath sucks.
  • My heart feels like it's going to beat itself out of my chest cavity.
  • I'm craving fattier foods, which tends to include a lot of dairy, which includes more salt, which makes me swell more.
  • I want to take more naps again...even sitting up with my head in my hands.
  • I feel like I'm having hot flashes.
  • I have mild swelling.  Mostly, it's been in my ankles, but I just woke from a nap and it left my ankles looking kinda skinny.  Yay!  Then, I looked in the mirror when I went to the potty, and my face looks a bit puffy!!  BOOO!!  (I've propped my feet up to get the swelling to go down, but how do you prop your head to reduce swelling?)
    • Oh, as a side note, I just gave Dave a kiss, and he chuckled and said I look like a fish when I pucker.  A small bell of panic went off in my head.  Do I look like a puffer fish?  So I asked if I look puffy to him.  He said that I look normal.  Whew!  Panic averted.
I feel much better--more rejuvenated--after my nap.   (and very random)

So, I don't know if this is a "symptom" of pregnancy, but I love it as much as I love feeling the baby move.  Recently, I can be sitting in my car or sitting on the couch (like now), and all of a sudden I will feel a surge of happiness and love for no particular reason at all....like All is right in the world.  One minute I'm recounting current icky preggo symptoms; another moment, I'm just grinning like an idiot.  Perhaps it's the hormones, but it's awesome and a rare moment to enjoy.


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