Week 18 - Bebby's Gender

SPOILER ALERT:  If you do *NOT* want to know the sex of the baby, STOP reading now...and do NOT scroll down.  There are pictures posted.

Of course, even with the spoiler alert, I will probably spill the beans at some point, but I'm gonna at least try.  :)

The biggest milestone of this week is the anatomy ultrasound.  Dave & I went to the doctor's office this morning and not only got to hear the baby's heartbeat, but we got to watch the baby for nearly 20 minutes on the ultrasound monitor.  We saw the baby's heart beating.  Got to see all 4 chambers of the heart, the stomach, the kidneys, the spine, ribs, femurs, bones in the fingers and toes, the skull, the 2 hemispheres of the brain.  The tech said that all the baby's measurements look normal.  I was particularly interested in the neck (for signs of Downs Syndrome), but she said that the head and neck are developing normally.  Whew!  That was definitely good news to our ears.

The question that has been on people's minds when I mention today's ultrasound is 'What is the baby's gender?'  Well, the answer to that question is... (drumroll, please)... It's a boy!  Here are most of the ultrasound pictures that were taken at today's appointment (sans the one that is posted on Facebook).  I'm not sure how good the quality is, but at least you get a glimpse of our baby boy.

We also got a recording of the heartbeat, but I haven't quite figured out how to extract that file from my phone yet.  It's fairly simple on a Windows computer, but I'm on my Mac right now, and the Android and MacBook don't always play well together.

We are over the moon about the news!  I am trying to wrap my mind around having a son because being an only child, I sort of envisioned myself having a girl.  Everyone I've spoken to has said that boys are easier than girls, so we'll see how that goes.  It's gonna be a fun adventure regardless.

Before I sign off, here is this week's belly picture:

18 Weeks

I plan to put all the belly pictures next to each other so you can see the progression, but I'll wait until after Liam is born to do that.


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