Week 20 - Sleep and Dreams

Yesterday was the first day of Week 20, and I am officially at the half-way point!  I celebrated the day  (night, really) with nearly 11 hours of sleep and strange dreams...both of which are very welcome!  Mostly, meaning over the last 2-3 weeks, I have been struggling with 4-5 hours of sleep a night, which was typically accented by frequent trips to the potty and left me crabby and cranky and late getting to work.  I don't know if the latter will be remedied since I woke up at 9:00 this morning, but we'll see.

The dreams were odd because they involved a car I no longer own getting stolen by Melissa Joan Hart (the actress that played Sabrina The Teenage Witch).  My mother-in-law was in the dream too (before the car was stolen), but the details of what we discussed are fuzzy now.  I just know she was in it.  Other than that, I don't remember much at all.  Kinda wish I had written it down right when I woke up so I could have shared.  It would have been funny, I think.  Ah well.

Today, despite the extra sleep, I also took an unexpected nap on the couch (while Dave was playing Magic the Gathering online with Marc).  I'm pleasantly surprised that after such an emotional week, I feel much more optimistic about all the overwhelming stuff that was suffocating me over the last few days.  Perhaps there's a direct link to my coping abilities and the amount of sleep I achieve.  Heh.

I found out that breast pumps are 100% covered by my insurance, and I simply need to call the company to order it closer to the baby's due date.

I'm looking forward to creating our baby registry and playing with the scanning gun!  (This was super-fun when I was creating the bridal registry.)

We received our first baby clothes from a friend who has a young son that doesn't need a fleece jacket and pants in the middle of summer in North Carolina.  (Her family is from Michigan and sent it to them.)  Thanks, Chris & Mandy!

I also made my very first (but definitely not the last) purchase of DIAPERS!

It was Super Doubles week again at Harris Teeter, and I had just clipped 2 coupons for $2.00 off Huggies diapers from the newspaper.  Usually, I give this to a co-worker, but when I told her I had them, she recommended that I go ahead and start stockpiling now.  So I took her advice and got a pack of 40 newborn diapers for $6.99 and another package of 42 diapers for the same price.  Rock on!  I hope I continue to find similar or better deals moving forward.

I plan to post again later this week, so hope you will check back in.  Here's the most recent belly pictures:

19 weeks

20 weeks


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