Beginning of Week 16

Today is officially the beginning of my 16th week of pregnancy.  One of my best friends from college, Alana, requested that I get some "belly" pictures posted, so I made myself remember and actually take this week's picture.  Here is what I have so far:

10 weeks

15 weeks

16 weeks

When I was scrolling through the pictures on the camera, I didn't think there was much difference from 10 weeks to 15 weeks (though I know that isn't true because my clothes don't fit right anymore).  And honestly, there isn't much change from 15 to 16 weeks.  However, now that they're posted on a bigger screen all together, I can see the change.

Of course, I had to use my boobs as a point of reference because otherwise, they do look the same to me.  At 10 weeks, my boobs stick out *a lot* but it seems a little less pronounced (at least to me) as my belly is growing.

Baby Center says I should expect the baby to have a growth spurt this week (read more here).  Dave seems to agree because this morning he said that he thinks I'm gonna "pop out" really soon.  I agree too.  Strangely enough, I am looking forward to that!  I attended a prenatal yoga class on Thursday, and a lady there, who was at 31 weeks, asked me if I was even pregnant.  I guess I look like I've just put on a few pounds, so I'm sort of hoping that I get a "cute" baby belly.  (And here I'm defining "cute" by 'it looks like you have a basketball tucked under your shirt'.)

I think my hip bones are moving.  There's an ache/pain in my right hipbone that I don't even know how to describe, other than it kinda hurts and my hips seem wider to me when I look at myself in the mirror. Another good friend from college, Noy, sent this link to me, that helped me a lot with how my body is growing due to pregnancy:  Whole9 Pregnancy & Body Image.  Since reading that blog post, I am more ok with growing and have actually been able to embrace and enjoy it.  Thanks, Noy!

I'm not sure what Week 16 has in store for my body, but the last few days have been defined by small flutterings and quick jabs to various places of my belly.  Yes, I think I can feel the baby moving!  I'm not entirely convinced yet, but it's not gas and it's too sporadic to be round ligament pain, which has been more consistent.  Speaking of round ligament pain, the left side of my lower abdomen has been really achy the last 2-3 days, and massaging it gently with my hands (really great since I have warm hands) helps soothe the discomfort. The flutterings and jabs are sudden, light, and totally catch me by surprise.  I LOVE IT.  I can hardly wait til it gets more consistent and stronger so Dave (and my mom) can feel it too!


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