Week 21 - Movements and Cloth Diapers

Where did Week 20 go?  Someone at work asked me how many months pregnant I am, and I couldn't tell her off the top of my head.  I've been keeping up with it in terms of weeks, so I found myself counting on my fingers and realized that I am officially 6 months pregnant!  Seriously??  SIX MONTHS!  That means, there are only 3-4 months left before we have a little human to bring home.  It's so exciting!!  

The reality of that is really starting to set in now.  Part of me--the part from the last few weeks--worries that we won't be ready in time for his arrival, but the part of me in the here-and-now says, "who cares?!  He's gonna be here, and you'll manage whatever happens."  From what people have told me, the worrying never really goes away when you have a child.  If anything, it gets worse.  So right now, I'm resigning myself to just enjoy the rest of the pregnancy as much as I can (in this heat).  The other stuff will fall into place when it needs to and not before.  Trying to force it is only going to cause me undue stress, and I want to remember the good stuff about being preggers, not just the bad stuff.

So on to the good stuff...

The Bebby is moving around SO much lately.  I *LOVE* it!!!  It is my absolute favorite part about being pregnant.  It even trumps getting to eat pretty much anything I want.  I love feeling him nudge me, even though it makes me jump.  I love knowing that he's with me all the time.  I wonder what he's gonna look like...who he's gonna look like.  What features will he inherit from me and from Dave?  What personality traits?  What mannerisms and behaviors?

The other thing that has me really excited is cloth diapering.  I talked to a few people at work who have 2-3 children of their own, and when I mention my desire to try cloth diapering, their responses have ranged from disgust to condescension.  The most frequent response has been, "Good luck," with no other feedback.  It was a bit disheartening to hear this from nearly everyone I spoke to in my workplace, but in reality, that response makes sense.  They all sent their children to day care, and from what I've heard, most day care facilities will not accept cloth diapers.  So I changed up the people that I ask about it and brought it up at my 'new mothers' group.  The general consensus there was positive feedback.  Many of those mothers are doing cloth diapering too, and we went into discussions about where to go to get them and one lady suggested Sweet Bottoms for their rental program.  I stopped by the Raleigh/Cary store and talked to the lady there, and their rental program is amazing!  They let you rent 24 newborn cloth diapers for 3 months for the total cost of $215.  When you return them at the end of of your rental period, they give you $100 in store credit that you can use towards your own cloth diaper purchase.

I want to go ahead and sign up for the rental period, but I'd like us to attend the Cloth Diapering 101 class before doing so...just to make sure we have a better idea of what we're getting into.  The care and cleaning for the newborn diapers doesn't seem much different than simply using a special detergent and putting them in the washing machine.  Yay!  There is also an option for cloth wipes (and additional cloth liners), which my mom has kindly volunteered to make for us if we buy the materials/fabric for it.  Double Yay!  Thanks, Mom!

We are nearly 7 days into the second half of the year, and I can't help but wonder where the time went.  Lately, I have had "baby" on the brain, which ought to come as a surprise to absolutely no one.  I feel as though I'm am about to undergo yet another change with my body because of my repeated need for sleep.  I need a nap nearly every afternoon, and simply functioning and staying upright becomes a challenge for me.  The earlier in the afternoon that I have the nap, the more likely, I am to go to bed at a reasonable hour.  I'd like to start trying to fall asleep before midnight, but that effort has failed miserably the last couple of nights.  Speaking of bedtime, it's after 11:00, and my concentration is nearly gone.  The next belly picture will be available sometime later this week.  (My next appointment with my midwife is this week, too.  Wonder how that will go...)


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