A General Update - 6.5 months old

It's getting harder to find time to write blog posts.  Keeping up with W is getting more difficult, as he's approaching mobility.  We can't leave him unattended on the sofa anymore, as he can kick with his legs and pull with his arms with enough force to propel himself off the couch.

I've been asked a couple times if we've baby-proofed the house yet, and the answer to that is (sadly) still "no."  I look around to see what could be potential baby hazards, and the truth of the matter is EVERYTHING is a baby hazard.  I don't see myself ridding the entire house of all furniture and anything he could smack his head on (again...everything), so to relieve some of the pressure, I'm just taking it slow.  As he moves towards something and reaches for *stuff*, that's when I know what pieces need to be child-proofed.  Heh.  Not the ideal way to do it, I know, but there is a community yard sale coming up, and I fully intend to have our stuff on display for sale.  If it doesn't go, then off to Goodwill (or Salvation Army) it goes.

Let's see.  You probably want to hear more about William.  Well, as I just said, he's almost mobile.  He can turn in circles and anything within about 2 feet of his hands are in danger of getting slobbered.  He's become tired of his current toys, and "entertaining the baby" usually means an outing of some kind.  It could be a trip to the park to swing, or to the grocery store, or to walk around the mall.  He doesn't care, as long as it's outside the 4 walls (more or less) of our house.  This kid definitely gets cabin fever.

I went to the RDU Observation Deck for the first time today, and that was fun.  I think I got more out of it than W, though.  He doesn't know what an airplane is just yet, so the Deck was lost on him.  That'll change quickly, though.  I have no doubt.

W has refused pretty much every bottle I've tried to give him in the last 3 months or so, so I have officially given up.  However, he will drink water out of a glass or cup.  In fact, he loves it!  When he sees me drinking out of my glass and he's in my lap, he will reach up with both hands and take the glass out of my mouth and pull it towards his.  Heaven forbid I don't tilt the glass fast enough for him to get a sip.  It's super-cute to watch him do this, so I drink *MY* water first and quickly, and then refill the glass and make sure he sees me just so I can watch him try to do it himself.

He's the same with apples.  It's the first solid food I've given him.  He LOVES apples.  When he sees and/or hears me take a bite of one, he (again) reaches up with both hands and pulls the apple from my mouth to his and proceeds to suck on the apple.  The stick apple juice gets on his hands, my hands, and all over his face.  Again, super-cute.  So far, I usually forget that I actually did want to eat the fruit and just watch him and be amused until he's done with it.

W tries to talk.  A lot.  Sometimes, I think I've heard him say "yes" or "mama," but it's so quick and he doesn't repeat it that it might just be coincidence, or he's getting the intonations correct so it sounds like he's actually talking.  I realized today that I am very much looking forward to him talking in complete thoughts just so I can know what's going on inside that head of his.  I'm so curious!

People weren't kidding when they said that 6 months is the magic number for babies.  "Magic number" meaning, at 6 months old, they are SO MUCH FUN!  He's interactive and curious (bless him! is he curious!).  I find that I look forward to his morning smiles when I first wake up...he's usually the one kicking me at 7 a.m.  And I look forward to his snuggles at bedtime too.  The last few days, he's been reaching up with both arms and pulling on my shirt when he's ready to nap or sleep.  It's great because it takes the guesswork out of it.

I've been trying to teach him sign language.  The ones I've been using most are "mama", "hungry", "more", "milk", "dirty diaper", "wet diaper", "dada".  I'm starting to also use "apple", "frustrated", "sleep", "grandma chris", and "impo".  (the last 2 I've had to make up as versions of grandma since he has two grandmothers.)  Hopefully, he'll start to use them, but so far, I think he just understands mama and more milk.  Everything else is questionable.

Well, I need to get to sleep.  He's going to be rousing to eat sooner than I'd like, and I haven't even brushed my teeth yet.


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