Sleep Deprivation

Here is a blog post I wrote while in the hospital.  It's a bit outdated, but I wanted to post it since I wrote it.

I have about 10 min to write this.  It's looking like the times I pump will be my computer time.

I gave birth to Liam less than a week ago.  The events that followed his birth totally eclipsed my recovery period.  It's hardly been even acknowledged that I am still *in recovery*.  I don't know if I've bounced back quickly or if I have just been ignoring the discomfort or if only being in active labor for 4 hours made my recovery a bit easier.  I have no idea.  What I do know is that I am sleep deprived.

I have been home less than 24 hours, and it feels like the first day of truly trying to cope with real life.  I think back over the events of the last week, and I've probably had a total of 12 hours sleep since Sunday, October 13th.  My ability to cope with really basic things has diminished significantly, and I have been in a highly emotional state these last 24 hours.  I cry at everything.

Hmm...  20 minutes is up.


  1. Crying is okay. You will sleep again. I came across this blog post today and it made me chuckle. I think we can all relate: Sending virtual hugs your way! xxoo


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