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Things I want to Remember

It's Memorial Day Weekend 2019.  We have no outstanding plans besides the usual 'enjoy every day.'  I finally gave the blog the update it desperately needed.  Looking forward to seeing how it turns out.  The kiddos are growing like weeds, and years from now, what things am I going to want to remember?  William is currently 5.5 years old, going on 15, and Oliver is headed for the "terrible two's." Food Both boys love my korean beef (bulgogi).  I finally figured out how I like to make it--without any added refined sugars, making it Whole30 compliant (woohoo!)--and it gets gobbled up very quickly.  I will eventually share that recipe on Mellanie's Kitchen (my new food blog), just not sure when that'll be.  They both love watermelon, fresh and frozen blueberries, cherries, apple fries, and homemade sweet potato fries.  William's palate is more basic and he doesn't seem to like complicated flavors or mixing foods.  He prefers to eat gentl...

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