First 2017 Update
I should really update W's picture on the main blog page because he's grown quite a bit. I'll get to it...eventually.
Quick update. W is almost 3 years and 4 months old! He is wearing 3T, sometimes 4T, clothes and size 10 shoes. He talks A LOT, though we still have him in speech therapy to help with his sound production. He tends to drop the ending sounds of words, which makes it hard to understand what he's asking for. He loves to run and jump, and boy is he fast. I can't really keep up with him if he gets a decent head-start!
Our current event is that we're closing on our new house next week, so life has been hectic. There's been lots of driving back and forth between here and Holly Springs and packing while we're home. I've been extremely tired some days and just try to take it easy but is hard when I look around and know that I need to continue packing so we're ready to go when the house is done. Even after closing, there are a few tasks we want done to the house before we move in because the builder either didn't offer it or had too high a price tag. So, we won't officially start moving our things over until a week-and-a-half after closing.
W has been so cute about it. We've brought him to the new house at nearly every step in the process, so he gets that it is our new house and usually refers to it as "my new house." The location gives us easy access to Womble Park, Sugg Farm Park, and Bass Lake, and we are very much looking forward to being so close to people and places where W loves to play. I also think that W is going to love playing Hide and Seek at the new house. There are so many places for him to hide, which isn't really daunting because if you ask 'where is W?' he will call out and answer, telling you exactly where he is. Haha. Hide and Seek with a 3-year-old is pretty entertaining. It's really fun when *I* hide and let him find me. His entire being lights up when he finally finds where I was hiding because I don't give away my position.
So that is basically what's going on right now. I'll try to post again after we're more settled and catch you up on all of our goings-on.
Quick update. W is almost 3 years and 4 months old! He is wearing 3T, sometimes 4T, clothes and size 10 shoes. He talks A LOT, though we still have him in speech therapy to help with his sound production. He tends to drop the ending sounds of words, which makes it hard to understand what he's asking for. He loves to run and jump, and boy is he fast. I can't really keep up with him if he gets a decent head-start!
Our current event is that we're closing on our new house next week, so life has been hectic. There's been lots of driving back and forth between here and Holly Springs and packing while we're home. I've been extremely tired some days and just try to take it easy but is hard when I look around and know that I need to continue packing so we're ready to go when the house is done. Even after closing, there are a few tasks we want done to the house before we move in because the builder either didn't offer it or had too high a price tag. So, we won't officially start moving our things over until a week-and-a-half after closing.
W has been so cute about it. We've brought him to the new house at nearly every step in the process, so he gets that it is our new house and usually refers to it as "my new house." The location gives us easy access to Womble Park, Sugg Farm Park, and Bass Lake, and we are very much looking forward to being so close to people and places where W loves to play. I also think that W is going to love playing Hide and Seek at the new house. There are so many places for him to hide, which isn't really daunting because if you ask 'where is W?' he will call out and answer, telling you exactly where he is. Haha. Hide and Seek with a 3-year-old is pretty entertaining. It's really fun when *I* hide and let him find me. His entire being lights up when he finally finds where I was hiding because I don't give away my position.
So that is basically what's going on right now. I'll try to post again after we're more settled and catch you up on all of our goings-on.
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