Almost 8 Weeks Later

One of these days, I'm going to have to update the name of the blog because it isn't just Life with William anymore.  It's life with William and Oliver!  Baby Oliver was born on July 19th, and everyday life is starting to settle down...finally.  We are starting to fall into a routine, and I must admit that I like it.  I/We all have a little better idea of what to expect.

The first few weeks after Ollie came home were hectic.  He & I were sleeping as much as we could, while Dave & William were off on their own adventures.  Dave struggled with getting any work done during the day (absolutely impossible when watching W), and W struggled with wanting Mom, who just needed sleep.  Finally, after a couple weeks, Dave came up with the solution: hire help.  It was a good idea, so we got a nanny to help with W.  After a couple more weeks, I started catching up on sleep and could come down stairs before noon.  Now, I find that W refuses help from most of the nannies (especially new ones), so they help by holding the baby while I cook or focus on William.  W's behavior has improved quite a bit from this small shift, and I'm hoping that it won't be too much longer before he will have adjusted to the new normal.

Besides all that, one of the biggest differences I've noticed between bringing home W as a newborn and O as a newborn is that I have been able to truly enjoy Ollie's baby-ness.  Looking back, the first 8 weeks of W's life were so jam-packed with challenges, it felt like a miracle just to make it through the day.  Where giving W the boob fixed nearly every cry he had, O actually refuses the boob sometimes.  O does not like having a wet/dirty diaper for long, whereas W never fussed about it.  He would even stay in a wet diaper for 12+ hours as a 3yo!  (It's part of the reason we *had* to push potty training because he wouldn't change his wet diapers and was developing rashes.)

Anyway...Everyone is sleep now, so I should probably wrap this up.  More later...perhaps a post about O's birth story.


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