F for Fire

W's speech is delayed, according to the CDSA (Children's Development Services Agency) evaluation test he was given last week.  At nearly 22 months old, he is barely speaking 4 words.  On the flip side, his gross and fine motor skills are well above average, as are his problem solving skills, so no complaints there.  But speech...he is either refusing or cannot.  Well, tonight, he was flipping through one of his board books, and he pointed to a picture of fire. He pretended it was hot and said ouch, so I took the opportunity of his interest to try and teach him the word "fire."  I made the "f" sound over and over again, and he tried to imitate me!!  It was in a very soft voice, but I heard him.  I was quite glad of it and a little relieved.  I wasn't sure if he wasn't speaking because he couldn't, but now I think it's more him not trying or not wanting to try...for whatever reason.  I tried to make a big deal about it, hoping it'd encourage him, but I think that made him clam up a bit.  I wonder...  Need to figure out what motivates him to attempt speech.  Hmm....


  1. Mell - since he uses sign language to communicate, would that keep him from speaking at all? Seems like he wouldn't have a need if he's getting his point across through sign language?!

  2. Liz, it might, but I'm not sure. I feel like if he didn't have sign language *and* he can't talk (for some physical reason), then he'd be super-frustrated because he wouldn't be able to communicate with us at all (beyond grunting and pointing). This way, at least I can tell that he is processing information and he can sign to me what he wants/is thinking/etc.


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