Another Moment to Breathe

I don't know how long I have.  William has been napping since about 11:00 (it's 12:20 now), so I'll write what I can.

He is 10.5 weeks today and on his way to walking.  I swear this kid has gained about 2 pounds in the last week.  I tried to pick him up this morning when he woke up and could barely lift him!  I put him on my scale (since he can sit up on his own and not move, sort of, for the 20 seconds it takes to get a reading), and it said 23.3 pounds.  Seriously?  How did *that* happen?  Weren't you 21 pounds like 2 days ago?

He's been babbling more.  Dave said he said, "Mom" the other night when I was at TKD class.

Oh  He's up.


  1. 10.5 months!! haha. I read this and was confused because it said weeks. hehe! Can't wait to see him soon! He's so cute!!!!
    -Aunt Lizzie


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