Sixteen Weeks Update
The blog has had a makeover! I've been intending to do this for a while and finally found a few minutes to do it.
William is 16 weeks old. He's holding his head up quite well and is starting to grab things more and more. Mostly, he likes grabbing the edge of my shirt when he's nursing, and he has a blue octopus that seems fond of and grabs at that. Hopefully, he'll start moving his arms with a little more control and at some point he'll probably be turning over soon. We try to do tummy time a couple times a day, but he doesn't like it much. I think he gets frustrated by it.
He mostly sleeps for two-and-a-half-hour stretches, unless he's going through a growth spurt. Then, he cluster feeds and wakes about every 2 hours for about a day, and then sleeps A LOT the following day. After that, he feels heavier and reverts back to the (preferred) 2.5-hr sleep sessions. This happens every couple of weeks, which is surprising since I was told that growth spurts happen around 6 weeks old and 10 weeks old. Heh. NOT. Every. Two. Weeks.
He's growing like a weed. His torso is really long, and he pretty much bypassed the 6M clothes and jumped right into 9M. I try to 'eyeball' clothes for him because sizes vary so much. If the torso of the clothes seem longer than they should be, chances are it'll fit him. But a lot of 6M stuff that I had was just too short and wider than necessary. It doesn't help that his cloth diapers add about an inch to length...and his girth! They're quite bulky.
So far, I like using cloth diapers. My only 2 complaints is that they make his butt huge (which helped bump his clothing size up quickly) and how hot they can get. I suppose the latter isn't an issue since it's winter, but our warmer winter days (60+ degrees) have been challenging. I'm considering switching to disposable diapers for the summer months. They are much more convenient and would be less hot since there is significantly less fabric. But the cloth diapers have been *really* absorbent, which surprised me. I am a big fan of that part.
The next big challenge for me is getting the house a little more organized. William doesn't require me to hold me *ALL* the time (as long as I'm close), and I can put him down when he naps now. I don't always need to sleep when he sleeps now (thankfully)--just during his growth spurts, so that leaves me some time to cook some and maybe do some de-cluttering.
I've also started working out again. OK--in all honesty, I've made it to the gym once, and it made me sore from head to toe. I had trouble walking cause my joints ached all over, but it felt GREAT to get back to it. I was glad to finally have an assessment of how out-of-shape I have become. Now, I can put together some kind of exercise plan. It won't be as rigorous as it was before, obviously, but at least I'm moving again.
Well, I think I'm gonna nap a little before William wakes up again.
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