34 Weeks - Puff Up There, Girl

The pervading discomfort this week is swelling.  If I thought it was bad before, it's nothing to now.  The swollen ankles that were present before have spread to the tops of my feet.  The interesting part about that was this morning, when I first woke and put my feet on the floor to go to the bathroom, it didn't feel like my toes touched the floor when the rest of my foot did.  Since then, I've been observing and my feet just look puffy.  My hands and wrists are showing signs of swelling too, and sometimes my fingers feel tingly.  If I wasn't pregnant and this wasn't considering a normal symptom of pregnancy, I'd be freaking out.  I almost never lose feeling in my fingers and toes, and it could be scary if you didn't know the cause.  I'm still on the lookout for other signs that could indicate danger when paired with swelling, but blurred vision and/or spots and headache haven't been anything I've experience to the degree with which I've been warned.  I've been trying to ward off the edema by propping up my feet, drinking lots of water, putting cucumbers in my water, and trying to reduce my sodium intake more, but I must be failing miserably at the latter.  It's the start of a new (work) week, so maybe I can demonstrate more successful efforts.

In short, swelling sucks.  I can kinda feel it, too.  It's like being bloated in your extremities--whereas I'm more used to feeling bloated in the belly area.


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